Friday, August 19, 2011

Project “Live a Better Life”

Project “Live a Better Life” 
Objective of the project
    • Help people attain inner freedom and be happy; i.e., live the Best Life Possible, free from stress and anxiety and suffering. When
    • Provide people with tools for critical analysis of current life, for conceptualization of the new life that they want to live and for introduction of activities that will help reach the desired result
Target audience 
      • People who experience some kind of stress or discomfort in life, who lack understanding of its causes and how to overcome it
      • People who have lost the purpose for existence or fallen into apathy as a result of life’s upheavals or, to the contrary,  abundant wealth and resultant boredom, and who seek an escape from this
Author’s note 
      • All thoughts listed below are purely subjective opinion of the author who in no way claims to be a source of primordial wisdom
      • They represent the outcome of author’s contemplation on meaning of existence and living through it, and they reflect author’s worldview at his present level of development and maturity
      • Author seeks neither complete agreement with his thoughts nor blind acceptance thereof; however, he hopes that other people would utilize them as an incentive for their own contemplations and formulation of their own worldview
Methodology - 1  
      • Realization. Formulation of mission,  goals and principles

        • Necessity for change: Realization that a person needs to change, cease to be his old self, strive for something better. Conditions for change
        • Motivations as the end INNER Desired Result: Sensing soul’s needs. Give and take: inner and outer direction of actions
        • OUTER Desired Result: Whom should a person become, aspirations and how to obtain Desired INNER sensation. OS and elements. Duality of obtained result. Imagination. Description of the dream. Levels of dreams. Different desires at different stages in life
        • Roles: Define primary roles required to fulfill the Mission
        • Mission: Formulation of active vital affirmations to reach Desired Result
        • Goals: What must be achieved as part of each role. Not everything in life can be controlled: setting goals correctly.  Real goals, as opposed to the illusory ones
        • Values and principles: Define primary criteria for behavior and interaction in attaining objectives
Methodology - 2  
      • Accomplishing the mission: Activity in life. Planning and time management.

        • Idea first, money second. Distinction from hobby in direction not only inward (to yourself and your own interests) but also outward (to interests of other people, service)
        • Perpetual presence of Mission, Roles and Objectives in life: Live to be successful in the important directions. Daily planner, file system and mail system
        • Focus on IMPORTANT tasks, everything else is secondary
        • Retransmission of knowledge to people. Child education. Objectives on different stages (7 centres)
        • Forming egregores
Formulating Mission, Objectives and Principles
Necessity for change
Realization that person needs to change, cease to be his old self, strive for something better. Conditions for change
Prerequisites - 1  
      • Key affirmations
        • Everything in the world is interconnected. Everything we have (or don’t have) is a result of our life, aspirations and actions up to this point. View this from vantage point of energy, religions. Practice to identify interconnectedness of events
        • How do I justify interconnectedness that is not apparent to me now, through UNIVERSE?
        • It is not a sheer quantity of vices that is important but rather readiness to recognize and confront them, followed by attempts to work on them. It is important to understand life’s coordinate system that does not contain a single stable point of origin where you could place yourself and be content with life and statute
Prerequisites - 2  
      • Discontentment with present day
        • Appearance of ample spare time that person is not used to manage. Instincts do not dictate what a person needs (except for bare necessities), lifestyle does not indicate what should be done (no need to work from dawn till dusk for survival). Without understanding of what is needed and what is required, person lost a clear vision of what is it that he really wants. In the end, he either wants something that others want (money, social position, beautiful life) or does what others want from him.
        • Realize that you do not live (entirely) correctly, that you can and should live differently, be better. Practice to identify incorrectness in actions. If you detect this, then avoid exacerbating the crisis – react on early stages of discomfort and anxiety
        • Benchmark options: personal past experience and sensing good and bad, analysis of other people’s examples, conscience, religion
        • Methodology of projection with collage:
          • What am I? What do I want to be?
        • Exercise “Cave” from Anna
Technique of projection  
      • This is what I want to be

          • Self-confident
          • Well-organized
          • I keep everything under control
          • I know what I want, and I am being consistent in it
          • I abide by principles
          • Yet, I am not too serious  

      • This is how I am being perceived now

      - plain, simple-hearted
Prerequisites - 3  
    • Mistakes of the past. Analysis
          • Was it possible to do more or better, express yourself differently in particular situations that do not put mind to rest? Did you have opportunities, resources, physical ability to achive this? What served as obstacle? How to avoid this in the future?
        • Understanding of existence as dynamic history in the making
          • Reviewing at an old age your biography even at a given moment when there is still a chance to correct mistakes in the next chapter
Prerequisites - 4  
      • Disinterest in feeling remorse in the future
        • Viewing future as if it is the past (time scale, “I” of the past, present, future, date Х: what next?). From which point of view to evaluate life?
        • How not to repeat mistakes of the past? – Devise rules from them and strictly adhere to them
        • 5 most common reminiscences at a death-bed
Conditions for change  
      • Key affirmations
        • Work on the only thing that can be under your control – yourself. Readiness to recognize limitations of current knowledge base, be open to new, discipline and enforce adherence to rules
        • Proactive stance in life. Throw away limitations from your head; we achieve as much as we dare to achieve
        • Nobody can force a person into some activity. Obtained knowledge only expands person’s horizons to recognize multitude of possibilities and improves person’s ability to evaluate outcomes of each possible direction using “what if…” principle in order to make a conscious choice.
        • It is not what you have that is important but rather how you deal with it. If you want to be happy – be happy! Involve your emotions and act in the direction that helps you feel so.
        • Be open-minded. Interact with the right people (in the right social circle), read the right literary works, expand your horizons on possessions and life in general, gain experience on which you will base conclusions and plan subsequent aspirations
        • Focus on the future, in comparison with which all current troubles will seem insignificant, unimportant and distracting from the main goal to which you are aspiring.
      • Freedom of choice. Reaction to irritants. Christian approach.
      • Circle of influence. Circle of worries. Determine it and concentrate on it. Don’t lament on something beyond your control. Set your priorities with abilities and limitations in mind
Motivators as final inner desirable result
The feeling in your soul of what you want to have. Take and give: inner and outer direction of the actions
Why it is important to understand the motivators? 
    • Man is an egoist

      • Everything that he does, he does for himself, to satisfy his emotional, social or financial needs that are his motivators for any actions and behavior as well as for his inactivity and sabotage
The Scale of feelings
How to understand our motivators 
    • First, you should ask yourself «What do I want (to achieve, to have, to accomplish) in life?»  and write answers for it.
    • Then, by asking questions «Why do I need it?» and «Why am I interested in it?» arrive to absolute answer to which these question are not reasonable anymore. Task: think your motivators through.
    • Most probably that in the end the motivators will embody emotional-spiritual conditions that you would like to achieve in your life and after achieving which a man would be ready to transfer peacefully to other world
    • Most difficult –  to define for yourself what is your the Final Objective, what do you want to achieve, how and in what condition you want to come to the end of your life? It is possible that at the beginning there will appear many material wishes, but in such case you should ask yourself «Let’s assume I satisfied this material wish, what next?».
    • Then FO should (1) be divided into its components from the point of view of specification of your feelings, sensations that will be more accurate expression of the feeling of FO (e., I will feel that FO is achieved if... ) and  (2) imagine and describe in details the picture of life, existence in which you would be able to experience those feelings (description of the Dream)
Take and Give 
    • Regardless of the egoistic nature, a man can be actuated (satisfy his motivators) not only from actions directed to satisfy his inner needs (become more rich, smarter, travel a lot), but also from actions directed to satisfy the needs of other people (help someone, do something nice for someone).
    • Task: think what would you do if you had enough money and you wouldn’t need to work in order to earn money? To what would you devote your time? What is dominant: taking or giving?
External desirable result
How you should become, what to go for and what to do in order to achieve desirable INNER feeling. Environment and elements. Dualism of the result we receive. Imagination. Levels of the dream. Different  desires in different stages of life.
Importance of the understanding of the End Desirable Result 
    • The End DR helps to define the Objectives that should be carried through all our life. Thus it helps to chart a course of life and stick to it.
    • You should always have YOUR Objectives when you want changes. This will help you not to be influenced by other objectives (if it is not at a profit). You shouldn’t run away from old, but run towards to new. You should have objectives for next steps forward in order to not to fall into emptiness because of their absence when you achieve previous level of objectives.
Current condition of the elements
Desirable Result – Improves element of the environment 
Values and policy 
Active influence to the elements of the environment
Desirable condition of the elements
Mission (process) 
Desirable Result –  My image in the eyes of the elements of the environment 
Environment and elements
Duality of the Results 
    • DR show in 2 aspects each of which should be defined for you:
      • Aspect connected with the elements of the environment after influencing them. That is, DR is that every element of the environment acquired parameters, presence of which I consider important.
      • Aspect connected to my perception of myself, my persona, my image, to the opinion about me of the elements of the environment that developed as the result of my active influence on them: from my requirements of their parameters, as well as from the point of view of Values and Policy that I follow during my interaction with them [elements of the environment]
    • You don’t begin to build a house or put the first stone before the final project is created in your imagination, before the project imagined is written on a paper, before the calculations are made, materials are bought, the sequence of the work is defined. Only after those a man comes, takes a brick, cement and a float and puts the first stone. But not otherwise.
Description of the Dream 
    • There are different ways to help to formulate your future: what would you like to see written on your tombstone, hear as a speech on your golden-wedding or during a farewell when retiring. There is a danger of depending on the expectations of other people from you, because all these instruments are put in the lips of others.
    • Description of the Dream – it is description of your own understanding of the beautiful that helps to achieve feelings and sensations that you defined as Motivators
    • Description of the Dream – it is imagination of an attractive picture in visible perspective (35, 50, 80 years) based on your experience, interests, desires and with an insight «from future» that helps to define the importance of the spheres of activity and actions that you have to do today and exclude spheres that seem inappropriate, don’t fit into the ideal picture
   What am I going for?
   What are the parts of my active day?
   How looks the place I live in?
   What surrounds me?
   What am I? How do I perceive myself?
Levels of Dream
Different desires in different stages
Definition of active life policies in order to achieve the Desirable Result
Analysis of the description of Dream 
    • Detailed analysis of the description of the Dream helps to answer the question «what is IMPORTANT to me in this life», what i want to achieve in perspective. This IMPORTANT something that consists of different Elements will embody the directions of the Mission and active actions in order to get this Elements to a certain, best condition for them – this will be the Personal Mission in life.
    • Then you should ask yourself the question about every direction of the Mission: «what has to be done for it to become reality?» and as a response you ill receive an Objective in every direction of the Mission (that is the vision of the best condition of the Elements)
The place of «Work»  in the Mission 
    • In order to keep the integrity of the life approach we should clearly define the place of «Work»  in our Mission
    • We don’t have Personal and Work life – life is one, integral and inseparable. And it is in our interests and power to bring into it our ambitions by fulfilling them in our Work too
Definition of the basic Roles that are necessary to do in order to achieve the Mission
Usage of the Roles 
    • Actions in every of the directions of Mission are realized through an active Role
    • It is necessary to define those roles for yourself  that have to be done to fulfill the Mission
    • The name of the Role has to «speak» and reflect the object of the influence as well as the determination of actions (f.e., not «Father» but «the One who raises children») – this way it is easier to work
    • While realizing the Objectives of the Mission – we transform them into a Plan, turn on the Role and work!!!
What is necessary to achieve in every Role. Not everything is controllable: correct formulation of an objective. Actions for achieving the objective, not as the result of instantaneous desires.
Objectives in each of the Roles 
    • Reflect the Desirable Result (Desirable Condition) of the element of the environment achieving which you will have the «feeling of deep satisfaction»
    • Objective = active verb + DR
Not everything can be controlled 
    • Correct formulation of the Objectives
      • Achievement of the Objective must be controllable and affect-able + clear (f.e., «to be healthy» - it is uncontrollable Objective, but certain; «to care about health» - it is controllable objective, but not clear) How to make uncontrollable things –controllable? – Faith in that no matter what happens to you it is the best of what could have happened?
    • Balance of Objectives / Roles
      • If somewhere something has decreased, then somewhere something - increased?
      • How to keep balance and harmony?
Real, not illusional Objectives 
    • Who we want our children to become?
      • Economists? Lawyers??
      • Rich?
      • Is this really what is important?
    • Do we really want a lot of friends? Why? Why it is important?
    • Is it really important to be CEO of a big company? Will it make me happier? Wouldn’t I need to adjust to the system and regret it later?
Achievement of the Objective 
    • Inaccessibility of the Objective for 100%
      • Life Objectives – it is a process of constant improvement of yourself/the element of the environment according to the defined parameter (you can’t be happy for 100% - there will be something that you would like to change; you can’t raise your children for 100% etc.)
    • Subordination of your actions to the achievement of the Objective, not the instantaneus fantasies (if only fantasies aren’t defined by the thoughts about the objective)
    • However the objective can be a process as life style, style of work with its daily processes-attributes
Values and policy
Determination of basic behavioral criteria and cooperation in achieving goals
How to determine your V&P 
    • Analysis of your previous experience
      • What (what behavior) I am ashamed of
      • What I am proud of (what kind of manifestation of behavior)
    • Analysis of the behavior of people around you
      • What (what behavior, policy) I support and want to control by myself
      • What (behavior) I’d like to advice a person to change
    • Use of benchmarks
      • Religion, ideology, values, accepted by society, enterprise, team etc.
    • Inner feeling
      • How I would like to see myself in Dream
Why Benchmarks are important 
    • Universal starting point in a relative world
    • Helps to have a look at a behavior more critically
      • An insight based on your experience or on a  behavior of surrounding people could not affect all possible aspects or not attach significance to some of them, not considering them unworthy
Looking into «another life» 
    • Religion
      • God
    • Logic
      • Asking questions «why?» we come to an absolute objective in a form of Happiness
    • Science of Howkins
      • 4, 7 and 11 dimensions concede existence of «another life» which we can’t feel now
    • Space and Astrology
      • Unlimited expanses of Universe show the insignificance of our perceptions
    • Eastern teachings and Energy
      • Energy, which pervades all and how to manage it
How to begin? 
    • (Nuts to all – start doing (R. Branson)
    • If you have an idea and the will to realize it, but you don’t have an understanding how and in what order to do it – start doing chaotic, inconsistent steps, investigate this area
    • Put your thoughts from the head to a paper (text, images). The head will perceive this as a closed chapter and will begin build over it new and more detailed thoughts in the same direction
    • The more of this cares you discover for yourself, the easier you can create a big picture from separate open elements and understand interrelations
Whom will you compare with? 
    • Did someone gain more than you? He/she is a base for analysis, why he/she could do it. But it is not a topic for analysis about current position
    • You have to compare yourself with you some time ago and with who you want to be. The progress has to be just in this level!!!
Realization of Mission 
Activity in life. Things planning and time management
First ideological commitment, then money
The difference from hobby is in focusing not only inside (in yourself, in your interests), but in outside (in interests of other people and devotion
Ongoing Presence of mission, roles and objectives in life 
Live to succeed in direcctions important for me. Day planner, filesystem and postsystem
Focus on important things, then everything else
Knowledge Bridging to people
Kids education. Objectives on different stages (7 centers)
Egregors formation